Is anyone else raising little strippers? My kids are in their underwear all day long. They will get dressed if I have to go somewhere but as soon as we come in the door,the clothes come flying off. Josh gets home from school and his shoes,socks and pants come off before the door is shut. The other night the kids got out of the van and were "freezing cold",yet within 60 seconds of coming in the door Brianna was in her undies. They don't wear their jammies most of the time either. I can put them in their jammies before bed and by the middle of the night they are off. Even Brayden is getting in on tha act. He loves to take his diaper off and run around nakey. Ahh,the freedom!
Whole 30?????
8 years ago
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That sounds like Papi. He at least covers himself with baggy boxer shorts over his G's, though.
I always tease my kids that we can never move anywhere colder than Texas because if they have to put on anything more than flip-flops and shorts they whine and moan and complain.
Continue having babies Stacey.....and one day you can open Stacey's Spectacular Nudist Colony.
No promos were shown for next week's Supernatural. Does that mean yet another hiatus? :(
Hey come over and have a nudie party. ;) our kids are so much alike
Tag you are it.
HAHAHAHA @ Elastic.
I don't know, maybe their clothes are itchy?
Hahaha, so cute. It reminds me of that Rugrats episode where all the babies go around 'nakey'
Elastic~unfortunately that is the last new episode for awhile. :( That was the last one that was filmed before the stupid writer's strike.
Kenzie has just started doing this too!!! I just wrote about it on one of my blogs earlier today.
That sounds exactly like my house. Makena and Tanner HATE clothes on, I have the hardest time keeping pj's on Tanner and most nights he sleeps in his diaper. Crazy kids
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