Monday, February 9, 2009

Good news..Bad news.

Good news - Brayden is feeling a lot better and so am I. I had really bad sinus headaches on Saturday and Sunday.

Bad news - Camden is still wheezing a lot and I think Brianna might be catching the sickies now.

Good news - The kids are all sleeping really well.

Bad news - Josh doesn't like going to school at all. I have to practically drag him there in the morning. He is behind on his reading and he had a tutor at his last school,which seemed to help. I've tried calling his teacher so I can talk to her and she has yet to return my calls. It's very frustrating!

Good news - We finally got the gate installed at the top of the stairs. That was a huge pain!

Bad news - Because I've been sick,I haven't been able to un-pack anything. We still have boxes all over.

11 people love me:

Flee said...

Love the good news! Sorry about the bad. I hope it all resolves itself or gets resolved soon.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping that there'd be one more "good news" to tip the scales in that direction . . . but at least there's not more "bad news" to go the other way!
I hope the good keeps getting better and the bad resolves itself soon! :)

Anonymous said...

I have no idea why it posted my comment like that . . . I did NOT hit enter! :p lol

nora.lakehurst said...

I hope you get better soon. I think I might have to come out and help you out at your house on Monday since the kids have no school that day. YAY!! Anyways ok good to see you today though. Hugs.

Klin said...

I hope that everyone gets feeling better. That will help things a lot.

Corilee said...

Your post reminds me of mine. Good news and bad news both together. I guess life is just like that sometimes. (bummer) I'm SO glad the kids are sleeping better and I hope everyone gets well at one time. That's sad about Joshie. If he doesn't like school now, how is he going to feel when he's 16?

ems said...

Yikes! Well, Pres. Hinckley said that things have a way of working themselves out. Hopefully your bad news will.

Happy little day for the good news though. :)

Nancy Face said...

Awww...the kitties are so cute! :)

So sorry about all the sickies. :(

I hope the teacher will call you back soon!!!

Nancy Face said...

I found it quite appropriate that Word Verification said "gated" in honor of this paragraph:

"Good news - We finally got the gate installed at the top of the stairs. That was a huge pain!"

Lauren said...

I like the good news better than the bad. :)

Lauren said...

When the news is good it's very good, but when the news is bad it's very very bad!!!!!