Josh brought home 3 gifts for me from his school. He gave me this pot that he made...
....a plant, and a book about me with some coupons for things like breakfast in bed and kisses and hugs. In the book he wrote that I was "pretty as a flower" and that I was "1000 years old". (hence the name of my post)
This was the conversation with Josh..
Me - "So I'm 1000 years old huh?"
Josh - Well,I couldn't remember how old you are so that is what I wrote."
Jacob (Josh's friend) - "We just had to do an estimation."
How can you argue with that?
I had a nice Mother's Day. Adam and the kids made a yummy breakfast and it was delish! Later that afternoon we went to my mom's house for a potluck dinner. Afterward we went to my MIL's house and the kids played with a few of their cousins.
I hope you all had a nice Mother's Day too.
Whole 30?????
8 years ago
14 people love me:
I'm so glad I can proudly say I have an aunt who's 1000 years old. =) Gosh, you can be a Cullen. Anywho, that is a really cool looking pot. I'm glad you had a nice Mother's Day! You deserved it.
HAHAHA! That is too funny! And *rit rew*, you do look good. Ohhhh....I love what Aaron and Ailinh said! Ahhh, the Cullens. :)
Love it. You are a Cullen. You are Beautiful and have very nice looking skin. So not fair.
Glad it was fun! Mine was mostly spent in the car, but still good.
Too funny! I love the logic of little children! Yes, I agree you could definitely be a Cullen.
I like your pot! Someone is a cool decorator.
You are VERY good looking for your age.
A Cullen? Sooo cool!
Glad you put your cute face in your profile picture.. I like to see you! ~ And your darling!!
I never would have guessed your age, lol! That is funny. My neice thinks her grandpa is really old, like, 13. Cute pot! Glad you had a good Mother's Day and didn't have to cook, hope you didn't have to do dishes either ;)
Could you have Josh and his friend give and "estimate" of my salary. I could really use a good moral boost.
P.S. Since I was recently told that no one knew who I was this is your BIL Mike.
Jen - Sadly I did have to do the dishes, but then I took the rest of the day off.
Mike - Will do! Oh, and I knew it was you...cuz I'm awesome.
LOL @ the 'estimation'
I love your nex profile pic! So pretty!
An estimation, hahahaha!
Thank you NCS! :D
That's the coolest flower pot! :)
HA! You're older than me...I'm only ninety-seven! ;)
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