Saturday, September 5, 2009


I'm going to follow the wonderful example of my friend Ann and post some things I'm grateful for...

~I'm grateful for my family. They have been so supportive during this time and have helped us in so many ways.

~I'm grateful for the anonymous person/people who sent us an envelope in the mail. Inside the envelope was money and this scripture;

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy way acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5

When I opened up this letter and read it,the tears began to fall. It was a happy cry and I knew things would be alright.
(On a funny note,Josh asked why I was crying because "we are rich now!") :)

~I'm grateful for all of my friends. They have shown me so much love and support during this time and that has helped so much. They let me vent to them and they make me feel better during those low moments. Thanks to you all!! :)

~I'm grateful for my family's health. Every time I read the news,I think about how much worse things could be. I'm very lucky and blessed.

~I'm grateful for the Gospel. I know that I'm not alone and that Heavenly Father is aware of me and understands my feelings. That knowledge helps to get me through the day.

5 people love me:

Corilee said...

You always were rich.... you just didn't see it. It has nothing to do with money.

I'm so glad things are working out for you. We are praying for you with every prayer.

ailinh said...

You are amazing. Very, very amazing. =)

Ann Marie said...

Awww! Thanks for the little shout-out. You are blessed!

The letter in the mail made me teary. We received one on our door the other night.. and it has been very humbling.

This whole experience had opened my eyes to so many things.. but most of all.. how caring and charitable people all over the world are. It's quite the thing to hear people say that they are thinking of you and praying for you and your family.. when they havent even met you..

Hope you continue to feel blessed and comfort. ((Hugs!))

Corilee said...

I feel so dumb. I realize that you were quoting Joshie and not saying that you were "rich now" yourself. But, oh well, the thought still applies that often times we don't see how blessed we are, especially in times of trouble.



Nancy Face said...

This is wonderful! :)

I've been praying for you and your hubby.