Here are the pics I know all of you have been waiting for! They were taken with my camera phone because my camera decided to break....yeah, I'm a little upset about that. :(
Josh,Brady,cousin Emma and Bri checking out the crocodile.
The kids looking at the big ol' python. *shudder*
Brady cheesin' on the carousel.
Brianna on the carousel.
Bri and Josh smiling under protest..they wanted to throw money in the fountain.
All of the kids after a fun day..I was ready for a nap after climbing the hill while pushing the stroller.
Whole 30?????
8 years ago
5 people love me:
Good pictures for a phone. I know what you mean about the hill. That's why I don't go to the zoo.
Looks like lots o' fun! I love the zoo!
CUTE! Sorry about your camrea. :D LOVE YA!
Thanks for inviting everyone Stace! It was a fun little day. Sorry about your camera, were you not able to get it fixed?
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