I don't have time to write a long review because I still need to do my primary lesson for tomorrow. (ACK!) I will say this...
~I loved the movie!
~The actors playing Edward and Bella were better than I thought they would be. I loved Robert Pattinson's portrayal of Edward.
~I *heart* Edward!
~I liked the entire Cullen family.
~Edward is hawt!
~I wasn't fond of Eric,he kinda bugged. Mike was a goof,I laughed.
~Loved the prom scene,so sweet!
I want to see it again and I can't wait for the next one! :D :D
Why,oh why didn't anyone warn me about that creepy trailer???? That was freaky ok,that's what it was!!! :( I wanna go see Twilight again but I could do without the previews! *shudder*
Whole 30?????
8 years ago
16 people love me:
YAY! I'm glad you loved it . . . I loved it too! Hooray for Twilight . . . can't wait for New Moon . . . Summit gave it the green light today! :)
It was da bomb! ;)
I know,I am SO giddy! I can't wait to watch all of the movies in a row. :D
I know it will be awhile but still..
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! K posting on mine now and I didnt see anything about Edward on your blog ;)
Eh,Edward was alright. ;)
Um yeah.. totally agree about the trailer... "what da heck?!"
Hank is going to airbrush Edward on canvas and sell it.. I can't wait to see how awesome it turns out ;)
That will be SO cool!
um you know you can give me two small ones 5X7 ya know for free hee hee. I have twin sisters WHO LOVE Twillight. Anyways just kidding. If it is possible he should do the one of him kissing her neck at the prom. Whoooooooohooo. K that is all I am going to say now.
That was niiiiiice...is it getting hot in here?
Yeah, I missed the freaky preview, but I heard about it!!
unfortunately that means I also missed the half blood prince preview! oh well, . . . on to apple!!! (you can see the preview there.)
I'm so amazed to read your review, because I agree with everything you said! :)
I saw Twilight twice, and the second time they didn't show that creepy trailer!
So there is a chance that I may not see it? I was going to hide in the bathroom during the previews.
What creepy trailer? What did I miss? Or did I see it??
James is hot.
It was a trailer for "The Unborn".
I didn't see that trailer. I'll have to look it up. Ya know, so I can be warped too...
Oooh, I just watched it. Scary!! Did I catch a glimpse of James in it?? I don't like evil kids.
Team James!
i love your new avatar.
i was wondering what the creepy trailer everyone kept talking about was(they didn't show it here)., but i had seen it online. the unborn, looks full o'cheese
I'm out of town (it's secrety) i'll be back next week.
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