So my kids were drawing masterpieces the other day. They come over to show off their work and here is our conversation..
Josh: "Hey mom check out my calendar,I drew pictures of every holiday!"
Me: "Wow,that looks great! way to go dude!"
Brianna: "look at my Halloween pictures mom!"
Me: "Dude,those look great! Good job!"
Brianna: "Uh,mom? I'm not a dude,I'm a lady ok?"
Me: "Oh I'm sorry,I was mistaken."
Brianna: "That's ok,accidents happen"
I was put in my place by my three year old. That seems to be happening a lot lately.
Whole 30?????
8 years ago
8 people love me:
How cute! :)
All my kids are snappier than me most days. I remind them to never forget the snarky genetics that came from me and their father that made them the little geniuses they are, though.
Hahahah! Oh man, what a funny girl you've got. I mean, lady. LOL!
I used a Mork and Mindy lunchbox when I was a child. It made me the person I am today.
Dude, get it right Mom. ;)
Fixed for ya ;)
lol gosh little bri. I cant believe she said that but she is a little lady though. She is deffenetly your little girl.
Yeah - dudette! LOL THat's hilarious!
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