Today (Jan. 8th) my oldest turns 7 years old! It seems like just yesterday we were on our way to the hospital so that I could be induced. I was in labor all day but I had drugs so I slept most of the time. Then around 3:30 in the afternoon,my doctor became concerned about the baby's heartbeat and strongly suggested I have a C-section. Considering how long I had waited for this little baby (I had 4 miscarriages before Josh was born) I had a strong feeling that he needed to get out. I was wheeled into the O/R and at 4:00pm I heard the sweet sound of my baby crying. Then I was crying and I felt so relieved that he was alright. Later on I found out that the placenta was tearing away from my uterus and he could have drowned in blood,not to mention I could have died as well. I'm grateful every day for this sweet boy.
Happy birthday Joshie,I love you!
Whole 30?????
8 years ago
11 people love me:
So cute!
Happy Birthday!
My oldest is 7 also.. They grow too fast.
Love ya Joshie. I hope you read all the post about you!!!
My baby just turned 7 in October!!!
Happy Bday Josh. what a wonderful day to have a bday... glad you and your mom are both safe and sound!!!
Happy Happy Birthday, Joshie Dear!!!!
I will be mailing him a card, but my disorganized self got totally "off" in December and lost all the cards and.... gah! ANyway, I think I finally have them all gathered back up so I can mail them soon :)
I didn't know the ordeal of Joshie's birth until recently when my mom told me. WOW. I am so glad it was all a-okay and that you gave me 3 more adorable cousins after that! You go girl!
7.. wow..
Thanks Kim. :)
They grow so fast. I've got my first born (not oldest, but my first born) graduating this year. Wow. How do they get so grown up?
Happy Birthday to your Josh.
Happy Birthday to your son!!!!!!!!!
I don't remember much about being 7 but I'm sure it's awesome!!!
Happy birthday to cute Josh! He has a great smile! :)
I never knew that was why you had a c-section with joshie. I'm so glad that things went okay and he is here with us.
Lubs to joshie. What a cute boy. He is going to be such a heartbreaker!
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