I almost didn't put anything out but the kids were so excited,I didn't want to make them sad. It's pretty sparse since we are moving after the end of the year. Yes,I'm lazy..so what? :P
See that little guy by the tree? He is the reason there are no ornaments on the bottom of the tree.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Christmas Decor
Posted by Stacey at 12:48 PM 11 people love me
Labels: decorating, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Saturday, November 21, 2009
New Moon Review
I'll start by saying that I really enjoyed this movie. I saw it three times this weekend! I went with my friend Kayelyn,her friend Amy and Kayelyn's daughters and DIL's. Later that night, I saw a midnight show with my friend Jenny. Then on Saturday afternoon,I went with my mom,my sister and my nieces. We met my SIL,Karla and her 2 younger sisters at the theater but we weren't able to sit with them. I got stuck behind a couple who talked through a lot of the movie and laughed hysterically when it wasn't even cheesy or funny. I really wanted to dump my drink on them. >:(
There were some parts that I didn't like as much,but that is to be expected. The movies will never live up to the books for me and I'm going to accept that and just enjoy them. Here is a list of the things I liked and the things I didn't like. **SPOILERS**
~The dream in the beginning was perfect! I also loved the meadow.~When Edward shows up to school and he struts in slo-mo to the song "Monsters". That is one of my favorite songs on the soundtrack.
~I love Charlie and Emmett. Love them!
~When Edward kisses Bella goodbye. The pain he showed was very intense. :(~I liked KStew a lot better in this movie. A lot of her acting really bugged me in Twilight. I thought she was so much better in New Moon. She looks gorgeous is this picture!
~Jessica's monologue after she and Bella see the zombie movie. She is hilariously self-absorbed!
~Taylor Lautner stole the movie for me. His portrayal of Jacob was terrific,I really felt his pain. I wanted Jacob and Bella to kiss. I knew they wouldn't but I was still disappointed when the phone rang. As of right now,I am leaning towards Team Jacob. (don't hate!)
~I love when Jacob phases in mid-air...it's so wicked.
~I'm going to miss Rachel Lefevre. I love her as Victoria.
~I liked Michael Sheen as Aro. It was a little campy but that is exactly how I saw Aro in the books. A bipolar vamp who is gleeful one minute,deadly the next.~The entire movie theater scene was hilarious! The cheesy FacePunch lines = awesome! This scene was deliciously awkward for Bella.
~The contact lenses were a bit too much..but I can overlook those. What I couldn't overlook was the makeup on RPattz. The makeup on him did not look good at all! His lips were WAY too dark! He should not wear more lipstick then Bella. This is how he should have looked through out the movie...To me,that is the perfect Edward. *sigh*
~The stupid windchime sounds when Edward's skin sparkles. ARGH! I hate that! It's cheesy enough that his skin sparkles,must we have the lame sound effect too???
~Jasper's hair is still the scariest thing about him.
~I hate that Jane says "Pain" when causing pain. REALLY? Can moviegoers not figure out that Edward is in pain by his writhing around?~These 2 scenes were the cheesiest to me. They both made me cringe a little bit.
Now I wait impatiently for June...and yes,I already have an Eclipse countdown widget. So what? :P
Monday, November 16, 2009
Moody Monday
~We got pizza for dinner and rented a few movies from Redbox this weekend. I got Monsters vs. Aliens for the kids,Transformers 2 for Adam, and The Proposal for me. The Proposal was a cute show,but it didn't have as much humor as I thought it would. Overall I liked it because of the actors in it; Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds.
~As of right now,we are caught up on bills. It's a good feeling so I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts! :)
~I had a yucky day yesterday. My head hurt all day long and I felt like I was getting sick. So far today,I'm feeling better. Thank goodness!
~Josh was so ornery this morning. All I heard was whining about school. I lost my temper and now I feel horrible. I hate sending him off to school with a grumpy mommy voice in his head.
~Brayden is almost officially potty-trained. YAY!
~5 days to New Moon!!!! WOOT!
Posted by Stacey at 8:47 AM 10 people love me
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Blessings and Mishaps
Blessing - This morning the R.S. president brought over a box of food for us! So nice!
Mishap - Josh called me after I got home from picking up Brianna from school to tell me that he spilled lunch on his clothes and could I bring some more. I had just put Camden down for a nap so I left Brianna and Brady here at home. As soon as I got over there,he decided he was fine with wearing the clothes. *face palm*
Blessing - When I was walking back home,a neighbor stopped me to see how I was doing. I told her what was going on and she reassured me that the ward would help us out. She also told me not to worry about Christmas,she will make sure my kids are taken care of. I was almost in tears. Then she asked if I needed anything and I told her we were almost out of a few things. So she invited me into her house and gave me a costco package of toilet paper and some packages of wipes. Then she said she was going to Wal-Mart and to let her know if I need anything else. Also she offered me rides if I ever needed to go somewhere. We have some really neat people in our ward. :)
Mishap - I dropped my phone on the kitchen floor today. I could not get it to turn back on! I did everything I could,but sadly it was lost. :(
Blessing - When I called T-mobile,they said they would ship a new phone out to me tomorrow. I forgot that when I bought the phone,I paid for the coverage on it in case it got broken. Go me and my responsible self!
I feel like I'm on a roller coaster with the emotions lately. Up,then down and loop de loop. Thank goodness for the highs!
Posted by Stacey at 8:54 PM 7 people love me
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thankful Thursday
(It's technically Thursday on the east coast) ;)
This week started out great,but during the last few days I've hit rock bottom. I try to be optimistic about our situation,but some days everything hits me at once and it's hard. I've had multiple phone calls about overdue bills which always puts a knot in my stomach. A bunch of little things went wrong this morning which put me in a bad mood. When I'm really stressed and ornery,I clean. So the good news is that the house is cleaned up,my bedroom is clean,all six baskets of laundry are folded,the kid's clothes are put away and I have a bag of clothes to give away. Now to brighten my spirits,I'm going to post some things I am thankful for...
Health - All of my family is healthy. None of my kids have been sick,and neither has me or Adam. We had some issues with Medicaid and after many trips to the office building,my kids have their medicaid cards. It's a big relief.
Family - We have wonderful family members who have helped us out in so many ways. There is a lot of support and love and it's nice to know that we aren't alone.
The Gospel - I'm grateful to be a member of the L.D.S church. There are a lot of terrific people in our ward and we have an awesome bishop. The relief society president calls often to check up on me,and to ask if I need anything. It's a great feeling to know that the church is there to help.
Movies and T.V. shows - It's nice to lose yourself in a story that takes your mind off of your troubles for a short time at least. These are some of my favorites that are guaranteed to put me in a better mood.
Exercising and weight loss - While it's been harder to use my gym membership now,I'm glad I have it. I was going regularly for the last month and feeling a lot better about myself. I've lost 25 lbs total and it's been so awesome. Now I just need to keep it up and go to the gym whenever I can.
Good friends and bloggy buds - I have so many great friends!! I chat with them during the day,we joke around on Facebook and have a good time. Because of Facebook,I've reconnected with some old friends from high school. We've had a few get-togethers and it's like we never stopped being friends. We have had a lot of fun. All of you guys are awesome!!
For all of my family and friends out there..
Posted by Stacey at 8:52 PM 9 people love me
Labels: blessings, entertainment, family, friends
Monday, November 9, 2009
It Sure is Monday
Mmmmm,Country Crock margarine...
I had a nice weekend. On Saturday night,Adam and I went out to Training Table for dinner. It was nice to get a small break and be able to spend time together,just the two of us.
My IL's had a party for my SIL,Janelle last night. We had pasta for dinner and delicious cake and ice cream for dessert. The kids played games and then we had a pinata,which is a tradition for the 30th birthday parties. It was a great night!
My MIL gave me a card which is to be applied towards my next birthday. It's pretty much one of the most awesome cards ever. It plays "Full Moon" and my kids want it...but they can't have it,it's mine! ;)
Oh,Edward..why must you be so dreamy?
It's the start of a new week again and this morning was a great one! No fighting or whining and the kids were ready for school 30 minutes early. I had the kitchen cleaned up and I was showered and dressed by 8:00. Brayden stayed dry all night! He woke up and he told me he needed to potty instead of going in his diaper! YAY!
I hope all are having a great day!
Posted by Stacey at 9:12 AM 10 people love me
Labels: date night, Edward, Kids, Twilight
Friday, November 6, 2009
Fabulous Friday!
Happy 30th birthday to my SIL,Janelle!!
~I had a great morning with no kids fighting or whining about going to school. Always a good thing!
~Brady has been doing so awesome with potty training. The other day after he washed his hands,he said "Mommy,are you so proud of me?" It was so dang cute!
~I've been going to Zumba classes at the gym this week and I've had a blast! My SIL teaches a class and I always wanted to go but it never worked out. It's so much fun, I would go every day if I could.
~I've lost 3 more pounds! That brings the total to 25 pounds lost. YAY!
~What movie comes out in 2 weeks??? Only a little movie called, New Moon! HOLLA! and WOOT!
The only bummer news is that starting next week,Adam has classes 4 nights a week again. I'm hoping I can work something out so I can go to a Zumba class at least once a week. It's such a pain having only one car. :(
Posted by Stacey at 3:03 PM 8 people love me