Sunday, September 16, 2007

So today while I was getting a diaper and rash cream for Brayden he climbed up on my computer chair to bang on the keyboard. All of the sudden my ears detected the unmistakable sound of puking. Yep,you guessed it...he threw up all over my computer table. Fortunately he completely missed the keyboard because it was pushed up against the monitor. I guess even Brady is old enough to understand my need for the internet.

4 people love me:

Natalie said...

I love your graphic! That's totally how I feel! Sorry your son was sick.

Rachel said...

Ewww. I'm glad he missed the keyboard. I hate it when my kids puke. Usually it ends up in my hair though. They like to come and tell me they are going to puke before they actually do it.

Dawn said...

I love the graphic! LOL He's totally out to get you for having a computer addiction!! LOL

nora.lakehurst said...

BABY! JK Auntie wants to comfort you so you need to come over. Stace you are so lucky. I can't believe that he missed your keyboard since that is his most favorite thing in the whole world to play on. I hope he is feeling better today and it was just a fluke because he ate so many pop tarts (cookie dough). Well I will text, IM or talk to you later. Bye