Sunday, August 9, 2009


Good -
My baby boy is feeling so much better! Because of the sores in his mouth,he cried a lot when he ate food. :( Yesterday there was no crying and he is back to sleeping all night. YAY!!

Not-So-Good -
This is a little surprise I found tucked under the microwave. Brianna cut her hair again because she wanted bangs like my niece's. It looks like we are going to the hair salon tomorrow.

Good -
Only 9 days until school starts! The kids need shoes and Josh needs a backpack and then they will be ready to go! :)

Not-So-Good -
We still haven't heard anything about the house. This waiting is really getting on my nerves.

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Klin said...

I hate limbo. "Just tell me already" is what I'd be saying.

So glad your baby is feeling better. It's so hard when they are sick.

Girls cutting hair. I don't want to talk about it. I still find little strands of cut hair :(

nora.lakehurst said...

LOL I just find it funny that she hid it because she knew it was wrong. LOL what a sweetie.

Dave said...

you keep your babies in the drawer too? doesn't that make clean up so simple?

but srsly, glad he's better. few things are worse than kids feeling poorly and not being able to help them :-(

Corilee said...

I Dave OUR Dave? He always haaaas funny comments so is thinnnk it might be.

Camden looks so dang CUTE in that drawer. Be sure to get s picture when he gets into the flour.

btw you're gonna want to be careful spending those sclool loans for things other than school. They can add up really fast and then the bill comes when he graduates and if he doesn't get the higher paying job you hope he does you're stuck.
that happened to Jeff Lau if I remember right. He had something like $150,000.00 to pay back and he coouldn't find a physical therapy job.

I'm so glad the kids got in to that charter school. I feel alot better knowing they don't have to go to public schools. I wish my other grandkids could get in to better schools.

Corilee said...

That should read "Is that Dave OUR Dave?" Sorry, I'm sleepy but can't sleep, so you get what you get.


Stacey said...

Corilee - It's not the Dave in our family,but he is a funny guy like our Dave. :)

Ashley said...

So glad he is feeling better! My kids have had that and it is terrible! Hope you get the hair fixed!